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June Forecast

New Moon - June 10th 3:52 am

Full Moon - June 24th 11:39 am

Mercury is retrograde throughout most of the month from May 29th through June 24th. Mercury will retrograde back into the sign of Taurus, creating parivertana yoga with Venus. Two planets in each other signs create a beautiful combination that favors writing, talking, expressing our love and affection through spoken word. Mercury, planet of business, commerce, information exchange, trade, writing, speaking, studying being retrograde will cause certain delays, errors, and frustration in those areas. It is best to postpone beginning important events until after June 24th, when Mercury will be direct and we'll be way out of eclipses influence.

One of the best things to do during Mercury retrograde is to dig up some old courses you took a while ago and watch them all over again. Repetition makes learning more efficient. You also might discover something new you did not catch the first time you were studying. So use this transit to go back and finish up some unfinished classes, do your homework, or work some more on that book you were writing. Whatever business you have unfinished in May, you have a second chance to wrap things up in June.

We are still in eclipse corridor till Solar eclipse on June 10th. Eclipse will begin at 1:12 am and end at 6:11 am Pacific time. I will be posting more detailed information about it closer to its date. Usual caution and recommendations for eclipse time should be applied. Be aware if some ideas or thoughts capture your mind completely and obsessively during this period. Things are not what they seem. However, spiritual practices, chanting mantras, and meditation effects are amplified now. Again, use this transit to your benefit, and you will ride it out smoothly.

Jupiter will also begin its retrograde movement in a sign of Aquarius on June 20th through October 19th. This is a fairly long transit that will unravel slowly. But since Jupiter rules teachers, education, children, knowledge and wisdom I suspect there will be some uncertainty, going back-and-forth regarding schools re-opening and educational institutions in general. The government might give contradictory instructions whether to re-open schools and there might some confusion whether to go back to school at all. Jupiter will retrograde its way back into restrictive Capricorn on September 13th. I think some covid related restrictions and limitations will be back in place for a couple of months. But more on that later.

From May 24th, retrograde Saturn is causing extra pressure, extra hard work for us. Going back and re-working, re--doing, replanning, re-visiting your projects or work is important now. Saturn will be retrograde for all of summer and September. So if you feel tired, exhausted, and just overworked now, get disciplined about your rest too. Plan your rest before you plan your work and relax diligently and routinely. We are in this transit for a while. Also, do not try to avoid work hoping it will dissipate on its own. Assume responsibility where it's needed and the pressure will be off.

Saturn rules time. Some say it's the most valuable asset in life. Whatever your philosophy on time is, it's time(ha!) to revisit and reorganize how you manage it. Pay attention to where time goes and how you choose to spend it. Re-organize your life so it works for you.

The most difficult influence this month will come from Mars in Cancer. Mars in this position is considered weak, debilitated, making us unfocused, doubtful in our actions and decisions, unable to act, where swift action is required. This combination makes us more passive aggressive, where we cannot establish and protect our boundaries but rather harbor unexpressed resentment all inside. You feel like "Let them guess how much they annoy me!"

Instead of being directly aggressive, passive aggression can often manifest as procrastinating, sulking, stubbornness. Combined with retrograde Mercury (keeping all communication inside or choosing not to communicate when needed) and retrograde Saturn (feeling pressured and blocked), it can be an extremely frustrating time! Frustration can also come from inability to accomplish your desires in a smooth and planned way.

Passive aggression requires deep honesty with yourself. Recognize that it's happening and half the work is done. Let it out though physical exercise, yoga, running, stretching, or moving. Do not bottle it up in your body.

Mars in Cancer will oppose Saturn retrograde till July 20th. The stress from this combination will build up throughout the month, as planets will be moving toward exact opposition closer toward the end of the month. They will directly oppose each other on July 1st, making that day and days surrounding it extra stressful. Because Mars is debilitated and Saturn is retrograde, these malefic planets are prone to bring more negative events and show more of their malefic nature.


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